I made a donut

Learning and working in Blender 3.0

One of my many goals this year is to learn and to get proficient at Blender. One of the game dev skills that I really am lacking is the creation of my own game art and game assets, so this year I am going to tackle that with spending a bunch of time in Blender.  I am starting the New Year off with the venerable course "Blender 3.0 Beginner Tutorial" by Blender Guru [Playlist Link].

My Progression so far:

Behold! the first render:

Adding Icing or something:

More refined:

Adding drippy things:

Rendering seems better now:

I added a background and used cycles to render.

Adding and working with materials materials:

Making me hungry [Close up shot]:

Be on the look out for a part two of this post as I am about half way through the YouTube playlist.