What is your 70 / 20 / 10 ?
I heard a nifty thing the other day and wanted to share. The idea is that you spend some certain amount of your time on things you are passionate about. This sort of takes the The Pareto Principle (80-20 Rule) and modifies it a bit.
I heard a nifty thing the other day and wanted to share. The idea is that you spend some certain amount of your time on things you are passionate about. This sort of takes the The Pareto Principle (80-20 Rule) and modifies it a bit.
I love the 80-20 rule as it helps me decide the course of my actions. For instance in the gym, I have been whittling down the exercises that give me the most bang for my time in there. Quality sets versus quantity of reps. If I find a session that really doesn't push my target muscles, I drop it from the rotation.
70-20-10 takes the Pareto and focuses on learning. For instance, I love Python programming, Ethereum Blockchain development, and Game design. Python helps with my current job and so I 'should' spend 70% of my learning towards it. While Ethereum is not currently a job prospect as of right now, but it is something that I am very passionate about and so I 'should' spend at least 20% of my time on it. Game development is something I have been wanting to do for years, so I 'should' spend about 10% of my time learning it.
Sometimes I get swept into a groove of learning on a certain subject that the numbers skew a bit. Take for instance the Godot game engine. I am absolutely loving it right now. I get to program in GDscript which is Pythonic, and it is a game engine so I get to scratch that itch also. The final thing for it is to integrate it with the Enjin coin, and then I would have all three things I love to learn about in one package. Totally messing up that 70-20-10 rule, eh? Probably not, everything in life needs a balance.
I hope I've explained it good enough to grasp the basics, I will eventually find the source of where I found it.