[DEVLOG][04] Ether Dasher

Wow! This looks good, there are so many things to do with the game, but think I will release on Itch.io for now as a v0.0.1

Wow! This looks good, there are so many things to do with the game, but think I will release on Itch.io for now as a v0.0.1


  • Add some tweaks to make it more enjoyable to play
    • Added coin pickup sound
    • Added Tween animation to make coin pickup scale and fade
    • Added game over sound
  • Removed other coins, left the SilverCoin for now
  • Removed the cactus and added spikeballs
  • Fixed bug where coins would overlap obstacles

Next Steps

  • Add GoldCoin powerup
  • Figure out release builds
  • Figure out how to upload to itch.io

Game Release Page on Itch.io