Continuing to learn Godot 3

It has been a fun learning experience so far to design a game for my kiddos.

It has been a fun learning experience so far to design a game for my kiddos.  To have them sit down and move the 'gameguy' around the screen and see super bright smiles makes me want to continue building and learning.

The video above was from my first iterations on just figuring out how to get a player on the screen and have them move between worlds.  

A lot has changed in the game as I had to do a total rewrite of it.  Originally,  I was looking for game assets and also learning how to place them in the game.  I got to a point where I wanted to put the file structure in a more organized way and get rid of the cruft of trial and error.  So I felt that abandoning the original Godot project and starting fresh with a plan was the best option.  

I now have an opening scene and some nifty new music. The logo took a few minutes in Inkscape to throw together.  

I need a better name than 'gameguy'.

I added the blue world and some monster blocks that bounce.  The asset collisions are turned on, but the scripting is not done for power ups and enemies.  That is why you see the character landing on the diamonds, but nothing is happening.

The plan for right now is to build a few worlds based on color and then finish up with a final world.  Once that is done, I'll figure out health, damage, inventory, and exporting the final project to Linux, OSX, and Android.